Sunday, January 30, 2011

This house believes there is no techno-fix for the global ecological problem - Closing speeches

Third Proposing speech
The global ecological problem is the burning issue of our century. More or less, scientists agree on its existence. Nevertheless, the solutions are still very controversial. The problem is we do not know yet if humankind can fix this problem or if it is already too late.

by AD

Third Opposing speech
My point of view is that, currently, our way of thinking to raise our society and to continue our evolution is through the transformation of the natural resources to adapt to our needs. That’s creates obviously pollution and a green house effect but unfortunately Earth is not providing all that we need to protect humans from natural issues (tsunami, global warming, storms, rains, viruses…) and also problems that we create by ourselves. That’s why, the Human has the ability to create technologies to solve its important problems.

by Samurai

Third Proposing speech
The global ecological problem is the burning issue of our century. More or less, scientists agree on its existence. Nevertheless, the solutions are still very controversial. The problem is we do not know yet if humankind can fix this problem or if it is already too late.

As technology and scientific progress were the causes for the global warming, some people thought that our salvation still relies on technology. As DB exposed in his speech, there are many solutions according to scientists: “engineering the Earth”, some giant mirrors in the atmosphere, controlled volcanic eruptions and so on. Isn’t it a sign of the lack of real solutions? Scientists have some ideas on how to deal with this issue but in fact they have no clue on how to do it concretely and for good. Moreover, these solutions are only part of the solution: they are only dealing with the consequences as TM said earlier in this debate. By controlling the local climate like in China, we can prevent dryness in some regions but it will be very limited and we will have to do it several times in order to really fight climate change. Furthermore, we do not know exactly what the consequences of these technologies are. It can even deteriorate the present situation. In order to make the sky raining, it has to receive some chemical products to modify the clouds. We do not know at the moment what could be the result of such an action. It is the same for the CO2 capture and storage. It is very energy-consuming, which is problematic when you try to limit CO2 emissions, and in the case it is stored under the oceans, it can increase the ocean acidification.

As a result, the question is: what can we currently do without more destroying the environment but helping it? There are some legislation, financial incentives or “days of the Earth” but, as we saw in Copenhagen, humankind is not ready to adopt a common position on this topic. Each country is still looking at its own economy and competitive advantages than at the future of ours civilizations. It is a fact that we cannot decide on our own, as developed countries, to restrain emerging countries development. It will not be fair for them as we are the guiltiest for this ecological problem. As a result, we have to do twice as much effort than these countries in order to catch our lateness and to try to limit the global warming. Developed states have to be stricter with their companies and their citizens in order to be a good example to follow for the other. They can also help them to have a “greener” development than what they did in the past, with more renewable energies and less coal.

As the end of oil, if we do not change our habits, we will only transport the problem into a new place. If we keep looking for oil, our civilizations remain the same: oil-based civilization. If we try to fix the ecological problem with technological “patches”, the planet will still be in danger because the core issue will remain. We have to turn our habits upside down in order to pass new ways of consuming, of living to our children in order to save their planet.

by AD

Third Opposing speech
If we synthesize the previous articles, Technology is the most important tool for Humans to develop themselves and their society.

Why such a direct point of view?

From ages, technologies help us to go further in our History, when we needed to feed our family, we invented at first arrows and knifes, when we were cold, we invented clothes, houses and fire, when we needed to communicate more efficiently we used technology to create cell phones and Internet, even when we needed to win the WWII, technology was the most important solution to solve the… problem…

My point of view is that, currently, our way of thinking to raise our society and to continue our evolution is through the transformation of the natural resources to adapt to our needs. That’s creates obviously pollution and a green house effect but unfortunately Earth is not providing all that we need to protect humans from natural issues (tsunami, global warming, storms, rains, viruses…) and also problems that we create by ourselves. That’s why, the Human has the ability to create technologies to solve its important problems.

As the previous articles said, the global ecological problem is a mix between the world uncontrolled industrialization and a natural global warming effect. Of course, humans increase every days the pollution in the sea, the air and the earth…
But, because of what?

The hamburger that we love to eat, the Ipad that we love to use, the car that we love to drive and of course everything with a price that we want to pay. Even using Internet has an ecological consequence.
Did you know that every research on Google is using the same energy than boiling a kettle full of water?…(according to Alex Wissner-Gross, physician from the Harvard University)

We are creating trashes and pollution to protect, conserve or using those products but we can also reduce their impact and our old mistakes with that technology too.
We talked before about the ecological concerns of governments; but that concerns directly all of the new industries policy which is to promote their “green” behaviors, like Apple and his Macbook air, the ecofriendly fridges,  the electric cars, the green IT, the corn material used for the new biodegradable shopping bags…

Yes technology is already helping to fix or own mistakes against the environment and could certainly help to reduce significantly the pollution that we already made, like recycling the plastic bottle and using them to make a boat, changing all of the cars working with gas into electric, growing up more efficiently new forest with biotechnologies (we can actually cultivate and creating a “green” to golf in the desert) and stopping to send our electronic trashes to poor countries to recycle.

The answer is YES WE CAN detect, create solutions and fix our mistakes thanks to the current and future technologies but the real question is to know if this house believes that the global economy wants to finance that…

by Samurai

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